2015 Mass Spec
Meeting Sponsors

2015 Mass Spec
Meeting Sponsors
Free-to-Attend Mass Spectrometry Users' Meeting
October 22, 2015 (Thursday), from 3:30pm to 9:30pm
Holiday Inn Pointe Claire
Parellel Oral Sessions, Poster Presentations, and Exhibition
Program Agenda | | | Poster List | | | Time/Location | | | Sponsors | | | Register Online | | | Student Transport Reimburse |
List of Poster Presentations
Poster Session 1 Chaired by Prof. Dr. Lekha Sleno (UQAM, Montreal, QC)
"LC-MS/MS Quantification of Drugs in Presence of their Glucuronide Metabolites: An Approach for the Assay Development" - Presented by Luc Bouchard
Luc Bouchard; Sylvain Lachance; Nadine Boudreau; Ann Levesque
inVentiv Health Clinical, Quebec, Canada
"Development of electrochemical methods capable of mimicking oxidative degradation pathway of model pharmaceuticals" - Presented by Marc-Andre Lecours
Marc-Andre Lecours; Gessie Brisard; Pedro A. Segura
University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada
"Identification of Acetaminophen Adducts of Rat Liver Microsomal Proteins using 2D-LC-MS/MS" - Presented by Makan Golizeh
Makan Golizeh, André LeBlanc, Lekha Sleno
Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada
"Negative phosphoregulation of protein interaction domains by tyrosine kinase receptors" - Presented by Ugo Dionne
Ugo Dionne, François Chartier, Michel Tremblay, Gerald Gish and Nicolas Bisson
CHU de Québec, axe oncologie, site HDQ, Cancer Research center, Laval University
Poster Session 2 Chaired by Prof. Lars Konermann (University of Western Ontario, London, ON)
"Mapping of linear epitopes by a multi-enzyme, ultrafiltration-based method" - Presented by Jennifer Hill
Jennifer J. Hill; Tammy-Lynn Tremblay
National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada
"Overcoming Hematocrit Impact Using Homogenization Beads for Dried Blood Spots (DBS) by LC-MS/MS Analysis" - Presented by Julien Nantel
Nikolay Youhnovski; Julien Nantel; Milton Furtado; Fabio Garofolo
Algorithme Pharma Inc., Laval, CANADA
"Unraveling site-specific acetylation using high resolution mass spectrometry in HATs and HDACs mutants of fission yeast" - Presented by Frederic Lamoliatte
Sibylle Pfammatter; Eric Bonneil; Frederic Lamoliatte; Pierre Thibault
IRIC-Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada
"Gold assisted LDI for high resolution imaging MS of triacylglycerol from thin tissue sections. Application to Alzheimer's disease" - Presented by Martin Dufresne
Martin Dufresne; Laura Hamilton; Jean-Francois Masson; Karl Fernandes; Pierre Chaurand
Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada