2017 Toronto Spring Mass Spectrometry Group Meeting
Free-to-Attend Mass Spectrometry Users' Meeting
May 4, 2017 (Thursday), from 4pm to 9pm, Toronto
Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport
Program Agenda
04:00pm-04:45pm: Registration and Welcome Refreshment
Oral Session 1 - Chair: Dr. Eric Reiner

04:45pm-05:05pm: Dr. Alexandra Furtos, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC
"Mass spectrometry characterization of bioactive species from fruit extracts"
05:05pm-05:25pm: Prof. François-Michel Boisvert, Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke, QC
"Cell Biology Through Proteomics in Space and Time"
05:25pm-05:45pm: Dr. Terry Obal, Maxxam Analytics, Toronto, ON
"Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Environmental Forensics"
05:45pm-06:45pm: Networking Hot Buffet Dinner Dinner Good Food & Good Science!
Oral Session 2 - Chair: Prof. Demian Ifa

06:45pm-07:05pm: Dr. Luis Sojo, Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Burnaby, B.C.
"Proteomic and functional characterization of selected efflux transporters expressing cell lines for in vitro assays"
07:05pm-07:25pm: Prof. Terry McMahon, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
"Facially and Dipole-Bound Ion-Molecule Complexes in the Gas Phase"
07:25pm-07:45pm: Prof. Christoph Borchers, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC / McGill University, Montreal, QC
"Novel techniques in Structural Proteomics: A dream comes true, show me the sequence and I tell you the protein structure"
07:45pm-08:15pm: Networking Dessert Break Desserts Time for something sweet!
Oral Session 3 - Chair: Prof. Rebecca Jockusch

08:15pm-08:35pm: Prof. Dajana Vuckovic, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
"Improving metabolite coverage in metabolomics: influence of sample preparation and mobile phase composition"
08:35pm-08:55pm: Prof. Arash Zarrine-Afsar, University Health Network, Toronto, ON
"Rapid intraoperative grading of Medulloblastoma brain tumours using a hand held laser desorption probe"
08:55pm-09:15pm: Dr. Robert Di Lorenzo, Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, ON
"A (non)targeted method for analysis of the serum exposome using atmospheric pressure gas chromatography-mass spectrometry"
And Finale of the Evening - Raffle TimeGiftCard3 Winners will be Drawn, and Each Winner will Receive a Best Buy Gift Card of $100
Please make sure you drop your business card in the box at the registration desk. If you don't have a business card, we will have the name card available for you to write your name.