2015 Mass Spec
Meeting Sponsors

2015 Mass Spec
Meeting Sponsors
Free-to-Attend Mass Spectrometry Users' Meeting
October 21, 2015 (Wednesday), from 4pm to 9:30pm
Park Inn by Radisson Toronto Airport West
Parellel Oral Sessions, Poster Presentations, and Exhibition
Program Agenda | | | Poster List | | | Time/Location | | | Sponsors | | | Register Online | | | Student Transport Reimburse |
List of Poster Presentations
Poster Session 1 Chaired by Prof. Philip Britz-McKibbin (McMaster University, Toronto, ON)
"Unravelling Environmental Effects on Light-harvesters: Photodissociation Action Spectroscopy of Gas-Phase Chlorophylls and Porphyrins" - Presented by Sydney Wellman
Sydney Wellman; Rebecca Jockusch
Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
"Bio-Solid-Phase Extraction and Data Dependent Identification of Enzyme Inhibitors in Endophyte Secondary Metabolite Extracts Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry" - Presented by Emily Kapteyn
Erica Forsberg; Ashraf Ibrahim; Emily Kapteyn; John Brennan
McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
"Contrast-Enhanced Mass Spectrometry Imaging Reveals Tumour Heterogeneity and Boundaries" - Presented by Alessandra Tata
Alessandra Tata(1, 2) ; Jinzi Zheng(2) ; Howard Ginsberg(3) ; David Jaffray(2, 4) ; Demian Ifa(1) ; Arash Zarrine Afsar(2, 3)
(1) Department of Chemistry, CRMS, York University, Toronto, Canada; (2) Techna,University Health Network, Toronto, Canada; (3) Dept.of Sugery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; (4) Dept. Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
"Direct coupling of solid phase microextraction (SPME) to mass spectrometry: applications in the clinical lab" - Presented by German Augusto Gomez-Rios
German Augusto Gomez-Rios; Barbara Bojko; Janusz Pawliszyn
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, CANADA
Poster Session 2 Chaired by Prof. Christoph Borchers (University of Victoria-Genome BC Proteomics Centre, Victoria, BC)
"Using MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging to uncover the role of ganglioside metabolism in neurodegeneration" - Presented by Sarah Caughlin
Sarah Caughlin; Kristina Jurcic; Ken Yeung; David Cechetto; Shawn Whitehead
Western University, London, Canada
"Protein Structural Dynamics at the Gas/Water Interface Examined by Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry" - Presented by Yiming Xiao
Yiming Xiao; Lars Konermann
(1) University of Western Ontario, London, CANADA
"Use of Differential Mobility Spectrometry-Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange (DMS-HDX) with optimised modifier gas to investigate solution-phase protein conformational stability" - Presented by Shaolong Zhu
Shaolong Zhu(1) ; J. Larry Campbell(2) ; J.C. Yves Leblanc(2) ; Derek Wilson(1)
1) York University, Toronto, Canada; (2) AB SCIEX, Concord, ON, Canada
"Unraveling Dynamic Interactions within the Peripheral Stalk of FoF1 ATP Synthase by HDX-MS" - Presented by Courtney Fast
Courtney Fast; Siavash Vahidi; Carla Busnello; Yumin Bi; Stanley Dunn; Lars Konermann
Univ. of Western Ontario, London, ON